Possible Plans to Breach US Water System

Released on: May 29, 2008, 2:21 am

Press Release Author: h2olabs.com.

Industry: Construction

Press Release Summary: Plans to breach the US water system are not in the least
far-fetched, as recent news indicates.

Press Release Body: It\'s clear that al Qaeda has been considering using poisons to
attack the United States with the intention of contaminating the nation\'s water
supply. They are not ruling out the use of Sarin gas and poisoning drinking water.
H2olabs Water Distillation System can counteract this terrorist threat with their

H2olabs is noted for the purity of their water and they can prove it. Tap water,
filtered water and bottled water is neither pure nor safe, but many people are under
the impression that it is acceptable. It may be acceptable, but just barely. Tap
water is known to contain pollutants and bottled water is normally tap water with
some filtering to deal with bad odor and taste. Home filtering doesn\'t handle
microscopic contaminants and plugged filters breed bacteria.

The H2oLabs distillation process actually creates \"rain in a chamber\" by using
regular tap water that\'s vaporized into sterilized steam. The water is heated beyond
boiling temperature in a stainless steel vaporizing chamber where it becomes
sterilized steam. The vapor is directed into a stainless steel condensing coil at
the top of the unit, where chlorine and other gases are expelled. The vapor is then
condensed back to its original pure state. Contaminants such as viruses, bacteria,
organic and inorganic chemicals, and heavy metals are eliminated in this process.

Drinking pure water is critical to our well being as it cleanses our systems.
Unsafe water causes a build up in our internal filtration systems leading to
illness. Want to use less sugar? Then drink pure water and it will cut the craving
for sugared soft drink. Once you use this pure water you will also find out how
good coffee and tea really can be without the taste you had to spike with sugar.

Given the very real potential of a terrorist attack on the US water system, we need
to deal with the possibility of deadly water. The H2olabs Water Distillation System
can protect your home water system. Handle an emergency such as this by ensuring
you have access to clean, fresh and pure water for your own survival.

To learn more, visit http://www.h2olabs.com

Web Site: http://www.h2olabs.com

Contact Details: Adviatech Corp., PR for h2olabs.com
9280 Bay Plaza Blvd Suite 706
Tampa, FL 33619

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